This is the new name for Verdone Lawn Weedkiller
Weedol Lawn Weedkiller (Liquid Concentrate) is a systemic weedkiller. It is an easy mix concentrate liquid and kills weeds to the roots.
1 Litre - Treats up to 667m2
Easy Mix Liquid.
Kills Weeds Not Lawns.
Kills Dandelions, Daises & Clover.
Weedol lawn weedkiller kills many weeds in lawn with one treatment, including the problem weeds such as white clover, black medick, lesser trefoil, daisy, dandelion, plantain and common mouse-ear
Contains fluroxypyr 10.7 g/l, clopyralid 5.4 g/l and MCPA 53.8 g/l as a micro-emulsion formulation
One treatment controls most common broad-leaved lawn weeds in one annual application without harming the grass.
For best results do not mow for 3 days before or after treatment. Avoid spraying in drought or frost. For new lawns treat in the spring at least 2 months after sowing or laying turf. The new lawn must be growing well. Keep children and pets away from treated area until spray has dried.