Phostrogen All purpose Plant Food 400g
If you want a healthy garden with bigger plants, better blooms & more vegetables, then Phostrogen# is perfect for you. Phostrogen# All Purpose Plant Food is suitable for use on all garden plants including edible crops, fruit trees, lawns, young plants, seedlings and even houseplants.
While the soil contains nutrients to help plants grow, over time even the richest soil becomes exhausted as the plants absorb the goodness they need through their roots. Unless the nutrients and trace elements are regularly replaced by the application of a well balanced feed, your plants will cease to thrive.
Phostrogen# All Purpose Plant Food provides the perfect balance of nutrients containing a number of vital nutrients such as Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) in addition to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK). Phostrogen# and has been helping gardeners achieve fantastic results for over 50 years. You may well remember it as the choice of your parents - so what recommendation can be better than that?
Phostrogen promotes healthy green foliage, abundant flowers and fruit. It helps plants become more drought resistant and develop a strong healthy root system. It can be used all year round and for use on all plants indoors and out. Ideal for seedlings and lawns and even Includes a scoop for measuring.
Child, pet and bee friendly.